Our weekly rides resume March 19th. Ride times and locations may vary so follow our instagram for the most up to date information!
Instagram @bankcitybikeclub
March 23rd: Ride de Vine (Warrenton, NC)
June 1st: Cannonball Metric Century (Charlotte, NC)
June 7th-9th: QRT Queens Day (Charlotte, NC)
July 26th- 27th: 24 Hours of Booty (Charlotte, NC)
Aug 2-4: Black Farm Tour (Rocky Mount, NC)
Aug 18th: Lake Norman Fondo (Charlotte, NC)
Aug 29th- Sept 2nd: MACC One Love (Georgia- Atlanta area)
Oct 12th: Major Miles for Mammograms (Greensboro, NC)
Nov 7th - 11th: Cycle Jamaica (Montego Bay, Jamaica)